This page contains resources on how to input and import data into the NE SWAP Database.
App Login
Instructions and Documentation
Video Tutorials
Here is a playlist of all the following videos, or you can go to an individual video below.
- Introduction to the NE SWAP Database App (9 minutes)
- This video walks through and overview of how the NE SWAP Application website works. It talks through the layout of the site, the Lexicon and Release notes sections of the site, and the way the various tables and filters work.
- SGCNs and Associated Habitats in the NE SWAP Database App (13 minutes)
- This video walks through the process of adding and editing SGCNs and adding and linking an Associated Habitat to an SGCN. It shows the two ways to add an edit Associated Habitats and how to link them to SGCNs. It also briefly discusses downloading data.
- Actions and Threats in the NE SWAP Database App (10 minutes)
- This video walks through the process of adding Actions and Threats and how you link those to things like SGCNs and Associated Habitats.
- Import Instructions for NE SWAP Database (30 minutes)
- This video walks through the import instructions spreadsheet and goes through all the details of what it takes to create CSVs that can be imported into the NE SWAP Database.
- Import Template Spreadsheet for the NE SWAP Database (15 minutes)
- This video walks through the Import Template Spreadsheet and the expectations around how the CSV files should look for uploading to the NE SWAP Database.
- How to Import Data in the NE SWAP Database App (14 minutes)
- This video walks through the process to import CSV files with data for the NE SWAP Database.