Species of Greatest Conservation Need By Taxon
Scientific Name | Common Name | RSGCN Concern Level |
Eupsilia devia | Lost Sallow Moth | |
Eurytides marcellus | Zebra Swallowtail | |
Euxoa immixta | Mixed Dart Moth | |
Euxoa perpolita | Polished Dart Moth | |
Euxoa pleuritica | A Noctuid Moth | |
Euxoa violaris | Violet Dart Moth | |
Exyra fax | Pitcher Plant Moth | |
Fagitana littera | Marsh Fern Moth | |
Feniseca tarquinius | Harvester | |
Franclemontia interrogans | Cane A Moth | |
Glaucopsyche lygdamus | Silvery Blue | |
Glena cognataria | Blueberry Gray | |
Gluphisia lintneri | A Notodontid Moth | |
Grammia doris | Doris' Tiger Moth | |
Grammia phyllira | Phyllira Tiger Moth | |
Grammia placentia | Placentia Tiger Moth | |
Grammia speciosa | Bog Tiger Moth | |
Grammia virguncula | Little Virgin Tiger Moth | |
Hadena ectypa | The Starry Campion Moth | High |
Haploa colona | Colona Moth | |
Heliomata infulata | Rare Spring Moth | |
Hemaris gracilis | Slender Clearwing | |
Hemileuca lucina | New England Buckmoth | |
Hemileuca maia maia | Eastern Buckmoth | |
Hemileuca sp. 1 | Bogbean Buckmoth | |
Hemileuca sp. 2 | Schweitzer's Buckmoth | |
Hemipachnobia monochromatea | Sundew Cutworm Moth | |
Hemipachnobia subporphyrea | Venus Flytrap Cutworm | |
Hermeuptychia sosybius | Carolina Satyr | |
Hesperia attalus slossonae | Dotted Skipper | |
Hesperia leonardus | Leonard's Skipper | |
Hesperia metea | Cobweb Skipper | |
Hesperia sassacus | Indian Skipper | |
Heterocampa astarte | A Notodontid Moth | |
Heterocampa varia | a prominent moth | High |
Hyalophora cecropia | Cecropia Moth | |
Hydraecia immanis | Hop Vine Borer Moth | |
Hydraecia stramentosa | A Noctuid Moth | |
Hyles gallii | Galium Sphinx | |
Hypagyrtis esther | Esther Moth | |
Hyparpax aurora | Pink Prominent | |
Hyperstrotia flaviguttata | A Noctuid Moth | |
Hypocoena inquinata | Tufted Sedge Moth | |
Hypomecis buchholzaria | Buchholz's Gray | Moderate |
Hypoprepia miniata | Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth | |
Idaea eremiata | Straw Wave Moth | |
Idaea violacearia | A Geometrid Moth | |
Ilexia intractata | Black-doted Ruddy Moth | |
Iridopsis pergracilis | A Geometrid Moth | |
Isoparce cupressi | Cypress Sphinx Moth |