Species of Greatest Conservation Need By Taxon
Scientific Name | Common Name | RSGCN Concern Level |
Darapsa versicolor | Hydrangea Sphinx Moth | |
Dargida rubripennis | The Pink Streak | |
Dasychira atrivenosa | A Lymantriid Moth | |
Datana angusii | Angus's Datana | |
Datana contracta | Contracted Datana | |
Datana perspicua | Spotted Datana | |
Datana ranaeceps | Hand-maid Moth | |
Deidamia inscriptum | Lettered Sphinx | |
Derrima stellata | Pink Star Moth | |
Diarsia rubifera | Red Dart Moth | |
Dichagyris acclivis | A Noctuid Moth | |
Dichagyris grotei | A Noctuid Moth | |
Dichagyris reliqua | A Noctuid Moth | |
Digrammia equivocata | Equivocal Looper | |
Dolba hyloeus | Black Alder/Pawpaw Sphinx | |
Drasteria graphica | A Noctuid Moth | |
Drasteria graphica atlantica | Atlantic Graphic Moth | |
Drasteria occulta | Occult Drasteria Moth | Very High |
Eacles imperialis | Imperial Moth | |
Eacles imperialis pini | Pine Imperial Moth | |
Eana georgiella | A Torticid Moth | |
Ectoedemia castaneae | American Chestnut Nepticulid Moth | |
Ectoedemia phleophaga | Phleophagan Chestnut Nepticulid Moth | |
Eilema bicolor | Bicolor Moth | |
Elaphria georgei | George's Midget Moth | |
Epiglaea apiata | Pointed Sallow | |
Erastria coloraria | Broad-lined Erastria | High |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | High |
Erynnis baptisiae | Wild Indigo Duskywing | |
Erynnis brizo | Sleepy Duskywing | |
Erynnis horatius | Horace's Duskywing | |
Erynnis icelus | Dreamy Duskywing | |
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | Moderate |
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | High |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | Very High |
Eubaphe meridiana | The Little Beggar | |
Euchlaena effecta | Looper Moth | |
Euchlaena madusaria | Scrub Euchlaena Moth | |
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Looper Moth | Very High |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | High |
Eucoptocnemis fimbriaris | Fringed Dart Moth | |
Eufidonia discospilata | Sharp-lined Powder Moth | |
Eumacaria madopata | Brown-bordered Geometer | |
Eumorpha achemon | Achemon Sphinx | |
Euphydryas phaeton | Baltimore Checkerspot | |
Euphyes bimacula | Two-spotted Skipper | Moderate |
Euphyes conspicua | Black Dash | |
Euphyes dion | Dion/Sedge Skipper | |
Euphyes dukesi | Dukes' Skipper | High |
Euphyes pilatka | Palatka Skipper | High |